Non-Combustible Timber Alternative
The Outdoor Deck Company’s Zerodeck boards are made from mineral composite and designed to handle like timber. Zerodeck is slip-resistant and splinter-free and is available in three traditional colours, making it the perfect fire-safe alternative for your balcony and terrace projects.

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Maximum Fire Safety
Together with the aluminium A-PED sub-frame, Zerodeck is the first external flooring system to be certified by NHBC Accepts and continues to pave the way for a safer and more closely regulated build environment.
Class A fire-rated, It is suitable for balcony and terrace projects requiring maximum fire safety and can also fixed directly to metal balcony frames. Also available as part of BROOF(t4) certified systems with specific build ups.

Unlike aluminum decking with hollow boards, Zerodeck solid boards provide the flexibility of traditional timber installations.
They can be cut to any width, expose cut ends – it's your call. ZERODECK boards come pre-grooved so that they can be clip-fixed to the joist without the need for surface fixing. Plus, installation is made simple, whether you opt for clip-fixed or surface-mounted, giving you the ease of a classic deck.